The app that geolocates the most beautiful street art works

Street Art cities geolocalise the works of street art

15,000 murals artworks

Can’t you remember the beautiful graffiti you saw on the bus? The one with the bright colors, the planes of camaieu, the generous form, and representing an allegory of freedom? Or this incredible stencil with a philosophical phrase that struck you? Street Art Cities is the app for all urban art lovers with a large U. More than 15,000 murals are listed in nearly 271 cities and already 66 countries

A participative museum of street art

It’s like a treasure hunt: the whole community wants to discover its nugget. And everyone is involved in the development of this digital museum of works of art. Users will thus discover the nuggets close to home, or during a trip, and above all, the artist who hides behind as Da Cruz for example.